Thursday, September 6, 2007

Croton (Puring)

Puring apel Rp.500.000,-

Crotons, in the same family as poinsettias, the euphorbiaceae family, are in the genus codiaeum, and the species name is variegatum. These colorful plants have been popular in Florida landscapes for a long time, and if used correctly, they can make wonderful additions to the landscape.

When grown in full sun most crotons show their brightest colors. Careful placement in the landscape ensures that these plants compliment the design, not distract from it.There are many variations of this plant, with foliage colors that range from green to red, yellow, and pink. Besides their different leaf colors, varieties also offer differing leaf forms and shapes, as well as a range of plant sizes and shapes. The color patterns are quite diverse among the varieties also.
Type rest of the post here

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